November 2022 Meeting

Nov 15th, 2022 at 7p, Tracy Hall Multipurpose Room and over Zoom

Join meeting via Zoom (meeting ID: 966 3633 0827, passcode: 721389).


  1. Public Comments
  2. Deer
  3. Schmidt Fen
  4. Norwich Village Nature Area
  5. Woody Adams Conservation Forest
  6. Town Report
  7. FY24 Budget Appropriation Request
  8. Other Committee Updates
  9. Approval of September Minutes


Members Present Craig Layne (Chair), Lynnwood Andrews, Cheryl Asa, Alex Gottlieb, David Hubbard, Suzanne Leiter, Chris Rimmer, Andrew Torkelson, Cody Williams
Guests None

Meeting convened at 7:05 PM

Public Comments

No members of the public were in attendance

FY24 Budget Appropriation Request

Craig asked that any requests be submitted to him.

Town Report

Member should also send any relevant items to Craig for inclusion in the Town Report.

Milton Frye Nature Area

A request has come to Craig about creating an interest group or formal committee with members from MCS, Area neighbors and others who are interested for planning and management of the Nature Area. Chris Rimmer and Lynnwood Andrews will be NCC representatives to the group.

Lynnwood reported on activities in the Nature Area, which included kestrel box maintenance. She’s awaiting approval to use funds from Women’s Club grant to place order to purchase plantings for spring. She has encountered different boundary lines in various maps, resulting in uncertainty about where Town land ends and neighboring private property begins. It is also unclear who owns and maintains the metal bridge. She will continue researching the questions. She has obtained permission to move some native saplings to the Nature Area next spring and is looking into putting up some bat houses with guidance from the Vermont Bat Center.

Woody Adams Conservation Forest

Volunteers will be needed for work being planned for spring.

Schmidt Fen

A neighborhood group is being organized to work on plans for the area, e.g., repair of boardwalk, removing buckthorn.


There is interest in additional programs relating to managing deer numbers, especially educating people who post their land about the benefits of allowing hunting. The NCC also could establish several exclusion plots in nature areas and near trails so changes can be observed by the public.

News Updates from Public Forums, Meetings, and Minutes

Chris reported on questions that have been posed to him about the Moore Lane bridge contamination problems and whether the Conservation Commission should become involved in the assessments. In particular, people in the area have asked whether the water should be tested relative to safety to children. Chris will follow up.

Suzanne reported on concern about parking along Upper Turnpike near Gile Mountain. Cody mentioned that the Trails Committee has been providing some input.

The meeting ended at 8:05 PM

Minutes compiled by Cheryl Asa